Ever had one of those days that everything seems to go wrong and no one seems happy? This is just the kind of day I was having before going to a Bible study at one of the Juvenile Centers.
That afternoon 4 young men walked in for our Bible study. Three were 16 to 17 and one was in the 8th grade being around 12. He sat in the back alone. He has been part of our group before, but always somewhat quiet and just giving him a place to be.
This day seemed different. He was doing his best to keep up as we read in Proverbs. At the end of the study he asked “Hell real?” You could tell he was out of his comfort zone even asking, but you knew he was being moved and concerned at the same time.
I told him “yes it is, but the good news is so is Heaven.” I asked if he felt that he would go to Heaven someday and his answer was no.
So I then asked if he had ever asked Jesus into his heart and life. Once again the answer was no.
I then asked him if he wanted to and his answer was YES!
We then went to the Nathan Bible where the salvation prayer is and I shared if anyone says this prayer and means it they will be in Heaven someday.
As we bowed our heads and prayed, just hearing him gave me chills. Our Bible study was over and I gave him a little hug on the way out with a great big smile on my face.
As the other volunteer and I walked out the door he told me of how this young man’s life had been very hard, needing someone that cares and is willing to share the hope that we all need. My day totally changed to being wonderful by just sitting in a jail cell seeing what Jesus can do to change a life. A life changed forever.