Here is another letter we received. Names are omitted.
I have had the good fortune to work with young people for many years now, but it has just been in the past few years, that I have seen The Holy Spirit at work in the lives of so many of our young people.
“The Nathan Project” Life Application Study Bibles have been a blessing to the Johnson County Juvenile Detention Center. These Bibles have not only been a comfort to the young people, but have also provided me, and others, an opportunity to share God’s word. A timid young boy, in detention for the first time, I was talking with just last week said he likes to pray. I looked up the 23 Psalm and read it to him. He also found strength in the 27 Psalm – “The Lord is my light and my salvation – so why should I be afraid? The Lord is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I Tremble?”
Nathan’s story resonates with everyone who hears it, and Nathan’s story is being spread far and wide for God’s Glory. Yesterday, our minister at Colonial Presbyterian Church was telling the congregation about the wonderful fruits coming from “The Impact South Johnson County” Christian outreach program. He told of great turnout of young people in Spring Hill for the meeting, and he made a special point of referencing their fantastic football player, who tragically died a few years ago in Spring Hill, and how God has used this man’s story, and his strong faith in The Lord, to reach many people for His Kingdom. Hearing Nathan’s story being told in my church brought joy to my heart.