All posts by Ron

December 23, update

The Nathan Project ordered another 8,000 bibles. 49,000 bibles have been handed out with 3,000 on hand.

The journey continues with many lives being changed by having the Word of God available to them. Not only more to prisons, FCA groups, church`s, street ministries, individuals, but also Africa.

Thank you for the continued support and not only do we feel blessed, but the thousands of others that are finding HOPE.

Merry Christmas to all as we celebrate the birth of Jesus.

” why live for anyone other than Jesus? “

Beautiful morning

The first snow of the year and the sparkling trees with it glowing so white making it a wonderful new day with God painting that picture.

With the arrival of the new shipment of bibles 160 headed out this morning with Working men of Christ. A wonderful program helping young men coming out of the system and getting the help they need to get a fresh start on life with Jesus by their side.

Another case to a family that have been long time friends that will strengthen not only their family, but also helping others.

A call from our Wilson North Carolina group that has a church service on the baseball field on Sundays needing more bibles for another group as God`s message spread. This will be in addition to the pallet they had just received.

A cases of bibles mailed to Oklahoma from a tent revival connection made several months ago.

Several cases headed to a baseball team that has started a bible study with the players in Kansas City this week.

Yes, it is a beautiful day and I thank God he has made it all the more special.

Nathan’s Legacy

Here is another letter we received. Names are omitted.

I have had the good fortune to work with young people for many years now, but it has just been in the past few years, that I have seen The Holy Spirit at work in the lives of so many of our young people.

“The Nathan Project” Life Application Study Bibles have been a blessing to the Johnson County Juvenile Detention Center. These Bibles have not only been a comfort to the young people, but have also provided me, and others, an opportunity to share God’s word. A timid young boy, in detention for the first time, I was talking with just last week said he likes to pray. I looked up the 23 Psalm and read it to him. He also found strength in the 27 Psalm – “The Lord is my light and my salvation – so why should I be afraid? The Lord is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I Tremble?”

Nathan’s story resonates with everyone who hears it, and Nathan’s story is being spread far and wide for God’s Glory. Yesterday, our minister at Colonial Presbyterian Church was telling the congregation about the wonderful fruits coming from “The Impact South Johnson County” Christian outreach program. He told of great turnout of young people in Spring Hill for the meeting, and he made a special point of referencing their fantastic football player, who tragically died a few years ago in Spring Hill, and how God has used this man’s story, and his strong faith in The Lord, to reach many people for His Kingdom. Hearing Nathan’s story being told in my church brought joy to my heart.

A Mother’s Letter

I want to share one mother’s letter to Connie. The names are omitted.

For three years I have done everything in my power to get him to make good decisions. Nothing has worked. His freshman year he went from starting on the varsity football team to one bad decision after another. He lost interest in everything.

Three weeks ago I prayed to God not to let ME find a way to help but for him to. I pray always but I always have questioned my own prayers, am I doing it right, am I sincere, but this time there was none of that. I simply told God he’s your child, too. I’ll step back, just mold him.

Ten days later, he was arrested. I could have said yes judge he can come home but I felt I was being led to say not yet so over Easter he stayed. The following Monday I was certain he would come home but his attorney thought it would help if he remembered this experience by staying longer. He was court appointed and I had no option. I was angry. Five days, over Easter, I felt was enough. But I remembered my prayer and the calm that came over me was overwhelming. I knew there was a plan in place, just not mine.

Tuesday I went to see my son, expecting I’m not sure what. I encountered someone I had never met. He carried a Bible and told me the story of your son. He cried, not for himself, but for you, for us, for not listening to God.

If my son had not been there he would never have met your husband, never heard the story, never had the time to reflect upon the ignored signs God had been providing all along. This is by far not the end of the story of my son. It’s the beginning. Just as your son’s ending was a beginning as well. I thank you for the bravery it took to do this. I thank God he put this in front of my child. He has said he would like to volunteer with the Nathan Project soon. I would as well.

One of Those Days, by Ron

Ever had one of those days that everything seems to go wrong and no one seems happy? This is just the kind of day I was having before going to a Bible study at one of the Juvenile Centers.

That afternoon 4 young men walked in for our Bible study. Three were 16 to 17 and one was in the 8th grade being around 12. He sat in the back alone. He has been part of our group before, but always somewhat quiet and just giving him a place to be.

This day seemed different. He was doing his best to keep up as we read in Proverbs. At the end of the study he asked “Hell real?” You could tell he was out of his comfort zone even asking, but you knew he was being moved and concerned at the same time.

I told him “yes it is, but the good news is so is Heaven.” I asked if he felt that he would go to Heaven someday and his answer was no.

So I then asked if he had ever asked Jesus into his heart and life. Once again the answer was no.

I then asked him if he wanted to and his answer was YES!

We then went to the Nathan Bible where the salvation prayer is and I shared if anyone says this prayer and means it they will be in Heaven someday.

As we bowed our heads and prayed, just hearing him gave me chills. Our Bible study was over and I gave him a little hug on the way out with a great big smile on my face.

As the other volunteer and I walked out the door he told me of how this young man’s life had been very hard, needing someone that cares and is willing to share the hope that we all need. My day totally changed to being wonderful by just sitting in a jail cell seeing what Jesus can do to change a life. A life changed forever.

2021 update

The journey continues as the Word of God inspires those that need him and are blessed by his word. We are thankful for Nathan`s life and miss him dearly, but we know he is in Heaven and pray others will find Jesus to find peace for today and eternity for tomorrow.